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Leadership opportunities are not date-specific tasks, can be as needed, and include things such as committee work or writing assignments.
Thank you for considering an ongoing commitment to League work!


Event Coordinators

How about you? We expect to have many requests from community partners for voter registration help at events in 2024. We need several Event Coordinators to respond to these requests. If the events are approved, the Coordinators would be the primary contact between the community partner and the League. The position would include collecting information about the event, recruiting volunteers, requesting the materials they'll need and recording the results of the event.

This would require good communication skills, knowledge of computers, and rudimentary knowledge of Google. We would train you to do this work.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.

Interested? Contact Donna Spars at  


“Adopt a Library” Volunteer

This is a new volunteer led program that aims to connect all of the library locations with League efforts of voter registration, voter education, and resource distribution. We want to become touch points for the libraries and provide needed resources to our communities.

How can I become involved?


Interested? Contact Heather Lesko at

More Information on Adopt a Library Volunteer opportunity.

Highschool Outreach Coordinator Volunteer

The High School Voter Registration project is looking for Outreach Coordinators.   Coordinators facilitate registration events in the high schools - linking with the staff coordinators, training and supporting students at registration events, and organizing the League volunteers.  We have all of the training and registration materials, step-by-step directions for coordinators and a great system for getting volunteer helpers.  You can start with just one school and add others as you wish.  



Language Interpreters (as needed)

The Voter Services team is receiving an increase in requests for voter registration events and translate some publications in the Rohingya and Hmong communities. Looking for someone with fluency in any of the following languages:

  • Hmong
  • Vietnamese 
  • Rohingya 
  • Karen
  • Karenni 
  • Thai
  • Lao
  • French

Interested? Contact Donna Spars, Team Leader for Voter Services Community Outreach Team, at


E-news Editors (2-4 people)

Editors needed to rotate doing our weekly Update or quarterly Voter e-newsletters. 

Training is provided. All newsletter content is provided, submitted by various members in a google doc. The editor finds images, does basic editing, and creates a layout for proofreading. Time commitment: estimated 3 hours/week for the Update; estimated 8 hours per quarterly Voter. 

Committee members are ready and willing to train you.

Contact: Peggy Creer:


Candidate Forum Coordinator (2-3 people)

Respond to requests for candidate forums, facilitate the forum agreement between the community sponsor, the candidates, and LWVMC, and then coordinate the volunteers needed to conduct the forum. Details are in our Candidate Forum Toolkit. Training provided. Busy season is February through March, with forums for municipal races. 

Committee members are ready and willing to train you.

Contact: Peggy Creer:

Vote411 Database Team Member

Each Spring the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County develops an online voter guide using We input the races and candidate data for both Milwaukee County and Waukesha County elections. To do this we need a team of individuals to prepare, manage, and enter candidate information into the database for each Spring election.

The database role requires good organizational skills and comfort level working with computers. The work can be done from home, on your own schedule and involves preparing races and entering race and candidate information. The most crucial time commitment is the first week of January when candidate registration closes. You will have about three days to enter candidate information provided by League volunteers who collect that data from local clerks.

Team members are ready and willing to train you.

For more information, contact

LWVMC Volunteers

Naturalization Volunteer

For over 50 years the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County has offered voter registration after every naturalization ceremony at the Federal Courthouse and in the community at large. Our volunteers welcome new Americans by guiding them through the registration process and providing them with non-partisan educational materials and election reminders in an effort to empower them to become informed voters. Ceremonies are held one Thursday each month, and we are on site from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Volunteers may choose to work a morning or afternoon shift, and some spend the entire day. All volunteers must be OVR trained, and participation is on a first come basis.

Team members are ready and willing to train you.

Interested? Contact for more information

Social Media Volunteer

Social Media Volunteer

Join our Social Media team as a "re-poster." This involves simply monitoring and re-posting content from several partner organizations on LWVMC's Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook pages. Training provided

Team members are ready and willing to train you.

Interested? Contact for more information

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Contact Us

(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214