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HomeEventsEnderis Park Bathroom Accessibility Walk/Roll

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Enderis Park Bathroom Accessibility Walk/Roll

About this event

Jennifer Lemke, LWVMC secretary, and her sister Karen co-authored "Easy Walks and Paddles in Milwaukee," a book about transit and wheel-accessible recreation. Feedback from readers is leading them to research accessible bathrooms this summer. If you are interested in participating, you can use this form to enter info about your local parks, and/or join them for this walk around Enderis Park (come early for the Farmers Market!) to kick off the research. Link to accessible bathroom research form:
This walk is on paved level terrain suitable for wheeling and walking, and is a loop which starts at the sculptures on the south side of the park. The loop continues to the tennis and pickle ball court and library, as well as the cornerstone with the plaque about WPA history. Participants will learn about Dorothy Enderis and her commitment to public recreation. Enderis Park is accessible by MCTS 66, 76, & 22, and there is free parking in the lot or on street. Approx length less than one mile. Will walk/roll rain or shine but will cancel if thunderstorm or significant weather.

Date and Time

Sunday, July 14, 2024, 1:30 PM until 2:30 PM


Enderis Park (meet by tree sculptures on south edge)
2956 N 72nd St
Milwaukee, WI  53210

Event Leader(s)

Karen A Lemke



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

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