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Date: 12/14/2023
Subject: LWVMC: Weekly Update for December 14th
From: League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

   Gift-wrapping Fundraiser at Boswell Books

Volunteer Gift-Wrappers are Needed!

The League has secured gift-wrapping shifts at Boswell Book Company, 2559 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee, this month. This is an excellent opportunity for community engagement, and it's a fun way to raise a little money for the LWVMC. 

Volunteer for a shift on the sign-up sheet here.

Contact LWVMC Board Secretary Nikita Werner with questions:

Voting Equipment Certification and Selection Process

The latest Ballot Bulletin from LWVWI focuses on the Voting Equipment Certification and Selection Process for vote tabulators and ballot marking devices.

Tabulators are used in every municipality with a population of 7,500+. Paper ballots are inserted into the machine, which electronically counts votes for each candidate. Studies show tabulators are both accurate and quick!

Ballot Marking Devices (aka accessible voting equipment) are required at every polling place. The equipment often includes a touchscreen or keypad to help people vote privately and independently. The device produces a paper record, which is reviewed by the voters and then inserted in the tabulator along with all other ballots.

Certification process: All tabulators and ballot marking devices must be tested and approved by the United States Election Assistance Commission before being tested by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) staff and an advisory panel of local election officials, as well as voting rights groups like the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and the League! The meetings are open to the public. Once the equipment is certified and approved for use, it is available for purchase by local clerks, who can decide which approved models will work best for their communities. Learn more here.

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LWVWI’s Ballot Bulletin series highlights measures that ensure our elections are fair, accessible, and secure. They are SO informative! Read about all past Ballot Bulletin issues HERE

Voter Registration Training Jan. 20 

2024 is going to be a very busy election year. Have you thought about helping the League with voter registration? If so, this is your opportunity to learn about the twists and turns of the online voter registration process, including how to acquire an acceptable photo ID for voting in Wisconsin. Registration required.

January 20 Saturday |  10am-Noon

League of Women Voters Office - Summit Place 

6737 W. Washington Street Atrium Conference Room

Questions? Please email Elizabeth Aelion at

Register here: My Vote Training Sign Up

Year-End Gifts to LWVMC

Thank you for your generosity throughout the year giving your time, talent, and treasure as a volunteer and member of LWVMC.  Recently you received a letter from our president, Nancy Maloney.  Her letter is persuasive about why supporting LWVMC is important and asks you to consider a year-end gift to the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County.  Nancy’s letter includes a brochure about Legacy giving which reminds us that there is another way to give beyond writing a check or donating with a credit card.  

Here are gifting options available:

  • A check made payable to “LWVMC” mailed to 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 2218, West Allis, WI 53214 (there is an envelope included with Nancy’s letter).
  • A credit card payment.  Visit
  • A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA.  This can be used to offset your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).  Consult with your tax and/or financial advisor.  Direct your IRA custodian to make the check payable to “LWVMC.”  It is important to make LWV-Milwaukee County the recipient.

Does your employer have a matching gift program?  A matching gift doubles your donation to the LWVMC.  Check it out!!

Gifts can be made in the name of another person as a memorial gift or a gift in honor of a special person in your life.  

A LWVMC member will be calling you to make sure you have received Nancy’s letter.  As you plan your end-of-year giving, thank you for including LWVMC as a recipient of your charitable contributions!

The League Needs Hands-On Help!

LWVMC is a volunteer-powered organization, with lots of opportunities to engage in vital mission-focused work. Many of these jobs, such as newsletter editing or VOTE411 data management tasks, can be done from home on your own schedule. Others, such as voter registration events at high schools or at naturalization ceremonies, require in-person attendance -- but are so rewarding!

Please visit the Volunteer page of our website to see current opportunities. Visit the Our Work page to learn more about League activities you may want to be a part of. Some of the volunteer gigs are for members only. If you have questions, please contact Mary Ellen Spicuzza at


Friday, Dec. 15, 10 am

Community Room, East Branch of the Milwaukee Public Library(East · MPL)

Our December League Cafe meeting is a book club meeting. 

Usual Cruelty: The Complicity of Lawyers in the Criminal Injustice System, by Alec Karakatsanis

From an award-winning civil rights lawyer, a profound challenge to our society's normalization of the caging of human beings and the role of the legal profession in perpetuating it. Karakatsanis is interested in exploring what we choose to criminalize and punish.

If you purchase this book at Boswell Books online ( or at their store - 2559 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee, mention you are a member of the League Cafe Book Club for a 10% discount.  

Please do not hesitate to come, even if you have not had a chance to read or finish reading the book!  All are welcome!

Empower voters!  Defend democracy!

Merriam-Webster defines democracy as government by the people.  We participate by voting for elected officials.  Why don’t more people vote?  Reasons from an NPR (National Public Radio) survey after the 2020 general election include not being registered, feeling their vote wouldn’t have made a difference and being undecided on whom to vote for.

We educate voters about the candidates running for office with We ask candidates where they stand on issues facing your community.

  • You can help by identifying issues in your community and sharing them with the Vote411 Team at
  • You can also help by spreading the word about It is very underutilized!  Watch these weekly Updates for ideas about other ways you can help!

Amazing Faith Lunch Dialogue 

12 pm, Wednesday, Dec. 27

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 4419 S. Howell Ave, Milwaukee

People of all faiths and no faith, all spiritualities and theologies gather in small groups to share a meal and participate in a moderated discussion using a proven model, evoking deep exchanges about lived experiences and the role of faith and/or spirituality in their lives. Through exploration and dialogue, participants learn about the beliefs and traditions of others within an atmosphere of respect and understanding, and are empowered to stand as witnesses for tolerance and inclusion. Sponsored by Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee.

 Register Here

Considering Kin

Now through April 21, 2024

JMKAC, 608 New York Avenue, Sheboygan, WI

Considering Kin is a series of exhibitions that  explores the myriad facets of kinship and appraises the prismatic potential of kinship as an intentional process, a mindful act of nurturing and restorative care that fosters feelings of belonging as we move through the world.

Support Local Democracy. Support your League.

Your support is critical to help our nonpartisan grassroots organization reach voters play a critical role in democracy. It would not be possible to empower voters and defend democracy without your support. 

Thank you! LWVMC

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(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750