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Date: 1/25/2024
Subject: LWVMC: Weekly Update for January 18th
From: League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County


Bay View High School Student Voter Registration a Big Success

The Milwaukee Bucks, Milwaukee Public Schools and the League joined forces  at Bay View High School on January 18  to  encourage eligible students to register to vote and vote in the upcoming elections. 

MIlwaukee Public School Board passed a resolution last year that each school should be provided with an opportunity for its students to register to vote. The League’s  High School Team trains the students to promote and manage their voter registration event. The League offers the expertise to the students about voter registration during the event. 

An added facet of the work this year is that the Bucks have conducted pep rallies at some of the schools to build up enthusiasm for the voter registration process. It is a formula that works!

At Bay View, principal Jeffrey Gaddis and social studies teacher Jon Schroeder along with LWV coordinators Joey Walsh and Milwaukee Bucks coordinator Gracie Adsit  joined forces to have an extremely successful event where 24 students were registered!  Other League volunteers who helped with the event were Judy Winn, Co-Team Leader of the High School team, Nancy Beaumier, Nancy Barbieri, Sally Merrell, Peggy Serrano, and Maria Avila.  

The link below takes you to the tmj4 news coverage of the event. 

Slam Dunk! Rim Rockers and Bango encourage young people to register to vote

Comité Team Has Met to Strategize for 2024

The Comité Team met with current and new volunteers on January 20 to discuss commitments to expand the team’s nonpartisan voter outreach on Milwaukee's Southside. Based on the sharing of good ideas the team feels that good progress can be made this year on providing voter information and voter registrations.

Pictured L to R: Eloisa Gomez, Ann Dliberti, Maria Cruz,  Esperanza Guitierrez, Travis Hope, Maria Avila, Diane Steigerwald, Elizabeth Ramirez



Join the LWVMC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Planning Meeting

Sunday, February 4, 2-4 p.m.

Summit Place, Glass Patio Rm, 1st Floor

6737 W. Washington St, West Allis

LWVMC has a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan to implement. We need your ideas, energy and commitment to make it happen. Please join the conversation at an informational and planning meeting on Sunday, February 4, 2:00-4:00 p.m., in the Glass Patio Room, at Summit Place, 6737 W. Washington Street, West Allis. Meet your fellow leaguers and learn more about our exciting plans for 2024 and beyond.  Use the “Visitor’s Entrance.” Ample free parking.  Light refreshments will be served.

Online Voter Registration and Photo ID Training Held

MyVote Online Voter Registration Training and Photo ID Training was held on January 20, at Summit Place with Liz Aelion providing her expertise and experience on how to help people to register to vote, how to navigate the MyVote website and what is acceptable proof of residence to vote. Liz has been doing this training for us for over a decade and is a wonderful presenter. 

There were more than 25 people in attendance. If you weren’t able to attend but really wanted to learn about this topic and help the League register people to vote, you have another opportunity to sign up for training on March 18th. See the article below.

Prepare yourself to help people register to vote! Learn how to register people to vote using Learn what is acceptable photo ID for voting in Wisconsin and how to acquire it. Registration required.

March 18  Monday |  5:30pm - 7:00pm

Milwaukee Zen Center

2825 N Stowell Ave, Milwaukee 

Questions regarding this announcement? Please email 

Can You Help?

Candidates for the 2024 Spring Primary election (Feb. 20) have been invited via email to participate in the 2024 Spring Voter Guide at VOTE411.orgCandidate responses to the League’s questions are due on January 28 and the 2024 Spring Voter Guide on will be published January 30

If you know a candidate, encourage him/her to respond to our invitation and answer questions about issues important to his/her constituents.  Answers are published verbatim so voters see the candidate’s answers in their own words. We do not edit the responses.

You can help by writing emails about to friends, neighbors, relatives, and colleagues after the Voter Guide is published on January 30.   Follow this link for a sample script for your email:  SAMPLE SCRIPT

Can you commit to writing at least five (5) emails?  Anita Gullota-Connelly and Mary Voelker created a volunteer opportunity for you! Go to the Date-Specific Volunteer Opportunities page of the LWVMC website: CLICK HERE  PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged in to view the opportunities.

If you have questions, please contact Anita Gullota-Connelly at or Mary Voelker at


 Performances Added!

LWVMC is placing an ad in the playbill for a Milwaukee Repertory Theater performance titled, "What the Constitution Means to Me," which runs Feb. 6 to March 17. Ticket sales here. This is a great outreach for LWVMC: an audience of democracy-minded folks!


Volunteer to Help

with High School

Voter Registration

We are looking for volunteers to help us register and welcome high school students as new voters. Join us and work alongside student helpers to facilitate student voter registration and distribution of voter information. The Bucks are helping out -  you may get to attend a pep rally and watch Bango make baskets! See the article below. 

Volunteer sign-up for high school registrations differs from volunteer sign-ups for other events.  All high school volunteers are required to take the online high school training (Voter Registration in Milwaukee and Waukesha Area High Schools2.pdf).  At the end of the training, there is a place to join our call list.  Once on the call list, you will receive notices about upcoming registrations and how to sign up for them. 

If you have taken the high school training, watch for emails about new registration events. Questions?  Contact Judy Winn (

Fund Development

Help LWVMC find new donor prospects and share GOTV information.

Help support voter registration in Milwaukee County - can you connect us to your corporation/business?  Do you have a Board affiliation?  For each, do you consider them to be civic-minded?  Would you be able to make an introduction and to whom?    

We are adding a new element by reaching out to corporations and businesses in our community to share information about the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County, to provide GOTV information, and to seek support for voter registration.    

This does not involve asking for a donation.  We need help supporting voter registration and hope you can connect us to the corporation/business you work for and/or any Board you may serve on.  

Please email Mary Voelker at with this information.

If you cannot make an introduction, please include a contact for us.  A contact in Human Resources and/or Corporate Communications would be a good starting point.  

Thank you!!

Candidate Forums - Volunteers Needed!

LWVMC provides facilitation services for Candidate Forums throughout the county, and we need volunteers in the roles of moderator, timer, greeter, question sorter and forum coordinator. With the exception of moderator, the volunteer roles require little-to-no training! Volunteer sign-up is on our website Volunteer page  

Jan. 30 Zoom info session: We have scheduled a Zoom information and training session for LWVMC candidate forums on Tuesday, January 30, 6-7 p.m. Register here.

Questions? Please contact Candidate Forums Coordinators Julie Bowles & Peggy Creer at or

Election Observers Needed on April 2

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) is recruiting volunteers across the state to observe the Spring Election on April 2. Election observers help ensure a fair election by watching for signs of voter disenfranchisement and intimidation, and by monitoring the way Wisconsin's election laws and procedures are being applied. Even if you only have a couple hours to spare on Election Day, you can still sign up to be an election observer.  Learn more and sign up to volunteer today!
Volunteers will receive online training, a reporting form, a polling place assignment with flexible shifts, and an Election Day hotline number for questions or for reporting a problem. Questions? Contact LWVWI Voter Education Manager Eileen Newcomer at or at (608)256-0827. Please share this opportunity with anyone who might be willing to be part of this vital program.

LWVMC Seeks Coffee Sale Coordinator

LWVMC needs an organized and energetic volunteer to coordinate its annual coffee sale.  You will organize teams for sales and distribution, track orders and promote sales.  Over the past five years, the annual coffee sale has netted LWVMC more than $30,000.  Put your leadership and organizing skills to work and help LWVMC realize its fundraising goals. LWVMC needs your time and talents.  Training available. Interested? Contact Mary Sussman at


Friday, Jan. 26th | 10 a.m. to Noon

East Branch - Milwaukee Public Library

2320 N Cramer St.  Study Room 115

In the New Year, we are back to our usual meeting on the 4th Friday of the month. We will once again meet at the East Branch of the Milwaukee Public Library (East · MPL) but in January we will meet in Study Room 115 rather than the Community Room there. 

Our January meeting will be a general discussion meeting, not about a particular topic or book.  There will be time to continue the discussion of our December book, “Usual Cruelty,” and any other topic of interest to the group.

Our book choices for February and April are about immigration, particular to the State of Wisconsin. March will be a general discussion meeting. We will announce those meeting locations after reservations have been confirmed.

Book Choice for February 23, 2024 League Cafe Book Club

"Milked: How an American Crisis Brought Together Midwestern Dairy Farmers and Mexican Workers", by Ruth Conniff

Book Choice for April 26, 2024 League Cafe Book Club

"Obreros Unidos: The Roots and Legacy of the Farmworkers Movement", by Jesus Salas.

Remember, if you want to purchase one or both of these books at Boswell Books, online or at their store ( | 2559 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee) mention you are a Member of the League Cafe Book Club for a 10% discount.  

Warmest Regards,

Marie Garnhart, Pat McFarland and Mary Ellen Spicuzza

MOWA DTN presents:
Meg Lionel Murphy
Ecstasy and Escape at the Swan Song Motel
Now through April 7
MOWA DTN, St. Kate Arts Hotel, 139 E Kilbourn Ave

This exhibit is an exploration of personal growth and liberation from intimate partner violence against women. Meg Lionel Murphy’s family owns a motel in rural Wisconsin that inspires the transformation of MOWA | DTN into the “Swan Song Motel,” a familiar setting and refuge for women escaping domestic abuse. MORE DETAILS HERE




Jewish Museum Milwaukee

1360 N. Prospect Avenue

Now through May 19, 2024

The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis documents the nearly unbelievable true story of ghetto residents who, through brave acts of resistance, powerful friendships, and devotion to literature, rescued thousands of rare books and manuscripts – first from the Nazis, then from the Soviets – by hiding them, burying them and smuggling them into the Vilna Ghetto, and later, across borders.  MORE DETAILS HERE.

Greater Milwaukee Urban League Town Hall

Get your questions answered about COVID-19, RSV, the flu and the common cold.

January 30, 2024, 6:00 p.m.


By Telephone | Participant line: 855-756-7520 Ext. 101456#

Join Dr. Eve M. Hall and Faithe Colas of the Greater Milwaukee Urban League and Mary Beth Graham, MD, professor and infectious disease associate chief, at Froedtert Hospital for a discussion regarding these contagious diseases.

Visit our Web Site

Support Local Democracy. Support Your League.

Your support is critical to help our nonpartisan grassroots organization reach voters play a critical role in democracy. It would not be possible to empower voters and defend democracy without your support. 

Thank you! LWVMC

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(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750