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Date: 9/19/2024
Subject: Weekly Update for Sept 19
From: League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

On Tuesday, September 24th, please join us to “Kick off,” our new program year. Our hardworking Leaders will report on what’s coming up and let you know how you can get involved!

This year we will meet at Dead Bird Brewing on Dr. William Finlayson St. (5th) and West Walnut. Admission is $20 per person. Includes appetizers and support for our League work. There will be a raffle and a cash bar. Beer, wine-based cocktails, mocktails, ciders and craft sodas are served.

Please come and mingle with your fellow members and also feel free to bring guests who may be interested in our League!




Future Voters Fest

Wed. Sept. 25, 2024 at 4:30-6:00 p.m. at La Plazita parklet (16th & Forest Home Ave)

Future Voters Fest/Festival de Futuros Votantes, an informative fun event to promote voting, will be held September 25 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at La Plazita Parklet (16th & Forest Home Ave). Event sponsors are:  Cristo Rey Admissions office; the Don & Sallie Davis Boys and Girls Club; La Causa Charter School; League of Women Voters Milwaukee County; Muskego Way Forward; Safe and Sound, District 2; UMOS Raices Program; VIA; WI Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign (WIVEC); and VoteRiders. 

In the interest of appealing to youth to better understand the voting process, and, by extension, their families, this event will provide hands-on, engaging activities to provide youth with the idea that voting is a key responsibility in supporting our democracy. 

If you want a fun and informative place for children to learn about voting, you should put this on your calendar. 

Please contact  if you have any questions or want to contribute to the school supplies or giveaways.

Note Change of Venue for the October 2 "Impact of Abortion Restrictions" Forum

Register Here

Learn About the State of Wisconsin's Infrastructure from ASCE-WI

Thursday, October 17th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For the second time, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) is teaming up with the American Society of Civil Engineers-Wisconsin Section (ASCE-WI) to bring the findings of the ASCE-WI 2024 Report Card for Wisconsin's Infrastructure to you.  This webinar series, kicking off on October 17th 12:00-1:30 pm, will bring insights into Wisconsin’s 17 infrastructure areas straight from the report authors. Each program will also include diverse perspectives from those involved in different aspects of each area. Find out more about the state of Wisconsin's infrastructure, and what we can do to ensure a strong foundation for our state's future!

Register here.
More information here.

Election Observer Training Oct. 24, 6-8 pm

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin needs your help to monitor Wisconsin's elections. They are seeking volunteers to be trained as Election Observers and placed in polling places in specific areas around the state. Training is provided, and the program is open to non-members. 

Election Observation Program Goals: 

  1. to be sure there is no disenfranchisement

  2. to monitor the voter experience - including registration and showing ID

  3. to monitor the absentee ballot counting process

  4. to track any problems that can be fixed for future elections

Requirements: You'll need to be available to volunteer for a minimum of 2 hours on Election Day. Election observers will also need a cell phone to use while volunteering and have their own transportation to and from their assigned polling location. There are also opportunities to be a "roving" observer and observe at multiple polling sites. Rovers need to be available to volunteer for at least 4 hours on Election Day.

 Training Information: We conduct our election observer training via online webinar. 

 Learn more about our Election Observation Program here. If you have questions about this volunteer opportunity contact our Voter Education Manager, Eileen Newcomer, at or (608)256-0827.

Sign Up Here

November 2024 Constitutional Amendment

This November, voters will have another harmful, divisive constitutional amendment on their ballot. We will show up and vote no and keep Wisconsin moving forward.

Our voting rights are literally on the ballot with this amendment. The change from "every" to "only" is a downgrade to all of our voting rights. The language changes our constitutionally protected voting rights from a guarantee for all citizens to a limitation that could be used to erode our voting rights. 

In fact lawmakers have already discussed this being a step on the path to further limit our right to vote. Including by implementing a proof of citizenship requirements despite knowing that 1 in 10 US Citizens don't have the documents to prove their citizenship.

Via The Brennan Center: Convenience matters when it comes to consistent participation in American elections. Even if a citizen is certain that a passport or birth certificate is in a safety deposit box at the bank, voters are busy; an additional trip to the bank would surely prevent some voters from registering to vote if such documents were required. (We consider a document to be readily available if respondents “could quickly find it if [they] had to show it tomorrow.”)


The League is gearing up to stand amongst our partners and voters to take down this bad constitutional amendment. We won’t let the legislature erode our voting rights. Follow LWVWI on Facebook and read our biweekly updates to stay informed on future resources and programs.

League members are invited to attend the annual Issues Briefing scheduled this year for Nov. 14, 16, and 19. The event is virtual and will include sessions on important public policy issues 

Thurs, Nov 14th 6:30pm - 8pm
Sat, Nov 16th, 9:30am - 11:30am
Tues, Nov 19th 6:30pm - 8pm
Early registration now open

Prepare yourself to help people register to vote!

Learn how to register people to vote using

A video tutorial has been posted and is now available on our website. To access this tutorial, go to our website,, click on voting, and click on voting resources. The written presentation is also available on this page. You may want to download the presentation and print it for further reference. 

You can access this tutorial using this link. 

MyVote Online Voter Registration Tutorial 

Once you have completed this training, you are eligible to volunteer for voter registration events. Each team also has team training. Reach out to to get connected with the team you are interested in.

The League’s flier outlining key election dates and contested races in Milwaukee and Waukesha County is available in English. Please include this in your communications with your constituents or download and print it. 

2024 Fall General Election Candidates and Calendar Flyer

This flier is now available in Spanish.

2024 General Election Calendar and Candidate Flyer Spanish

Also new this week is a flier which outlines the League’s reasons to VOTE NO

on the Constitutional Amendment on the Nov. 5 ballot.

Nov 5 Vote No Flyer

Wanted:  High School Outreach Coordinators

The High School Voter Education and Registration Team is looking to expand our group of Outreach Coodinators.  Coordinators work with school personnel to set up and run registrations in high schools.  This includes working with school personnel to set dates and times, training student helpers, providing information to volunteers, gathering materials, attending the registrations, and taking registrations to election clerks, if necessary.  We provide much support - volunteers, training slides, publicity and registration materials, checklists, and a team of coordinators ready to answer any questions.

This is an exciting election season.  School personnel have been contacting us asking for registrations and we want to provide them. Being an Outreach Coordinator is a great opportunity to get to know the hard-working dedicated staff members and the enthusiastic students - and to help usher these students into participating in the democratic process.  Please consider this opportunity - coordinating in one or several schools.  Any questions?  Contact Judy Winn at


On September 11, the Board of Directors approved the formation of a Governance Committee for LWVMC.  The committee will address actions that need to be taken that don’t fall under the purview of any specific person, officer or committee but are necessary to the success of the organization.  The committee will serve the Board to help LWVMC reach its full potential.  The committee will meet at least quarterly and on an as needed basis.

You can read the charter for the committee here. Please contact Governance Committee Chair, Lorna Grade, if you are interested in joining at  Related skills would include administration, human resources, bylaws/parliamentarian, strategic planning, and leadership training.

LWVMC volunteers Peggy Serrano and Gail Sklodowska at the Fondy Farmers Market
New voter registered!
Registered and ready to vote!

Registering Voters at the Fondy Farmers Market

The Fondy Farmers Market has hundreds of customers every Saturday. A Fondy Board member, who is also a member of the League, requested that we provide voter registration at the market. Another organization had provided them in the past, but that organization stopped coming several years ago. We have found that it's a good location for both registration and providing information.  The first time we were there, we registered five people and provided information on the upcoming election to dozens.  The second time, we registered two people and provided information to dozens more.

We recently provided voter registration services at the Wisconsin Disability Voter Coalition, Grand Avenue Club (serving those living with mental illness), Jackson Park Farmers Market, ECCHO (Engaging Communities to Change Health Outcomes) and will be providing services at the Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health and at  United Way events for homeless individuals.

Our annual coffee sale has a new name – Coffee for a Strong Democracy

What else is new?

1)  New partner – East View Coffee Company, founded and owned by Jenny Ulbricht.  East View is a local, woman-owned business that uses sustainable practices.  Jenny works with women-owned coffee bean producers in Columbia and Brazil, where women have traditionally supplied a majority of the labor but are rarely the owners.  They use smart packaging and carbon-neutral shipping to ensure that our love for coffee doesn’t come at the expense of our planet.  

 2)  New ordering – All orders are placed online at the LWVMC website.    Each 12 oz. bag of coffee is $17.50 and is available in either whole bean or ground. Descriptions of the four coffee blends are on the website. 

3)   New delivery – All orders will be shipped directly from East View.  Orders for three or more 12 oz. bags ship free to a single address in the mainland USA.  Orders for 1 or 2 bags have a $5 shipping charge.

Fall Voter Guide Available on 

The Fall Voter Guide is published on  You will find essential information about the upcoming election on November 5.  We can all visit the site at and type in our address to see our ballot and information about the candidates.  We can compare candidate answers to the League’s questions side by side. 

What’s on the ballot? U.S. President and Vice President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate, State Assembly, District Attorney, Proposed Constitutional Amendment and other local races. The contested local races in Milwaukee County are County Clerk, County Treasurer, County Register of  Deeds, and Milwaukee City School Board Director, District 4.  The contested local races in Waukesha County are County Clerk, County Treasurer, and County Register of Deeds. 

With limited opportunities to learn about the candidates in person, online voter guides like ours are especially important for voters making their plans to vote.  If candidates have not responded to the League’s questions, contact them.  Ask them to answer the League’s questions so you know where they stand on the issues important to you. 

Access here


If you have a yard sign, now is the time to display it!

If you NEED a Yard Sign and/or Bumper Magnet, here is how you get one:

LWV Yard Signs and Bumper Magnets Are Available!

We have three kinds of signs:

- Vote From Home

- VOTE/VOTA (Vote on one side and Vota on the other)

- Swing State (Brand new!)

Yard signs (18" x 24") are available on a first-come first-served basis. We also have metal stands.

Bumper magnets (2 styles) also pictured below.

If you'd like any of these items, please complete THIS FORMWe will contact you.

Dear League Members,

With the 2024 Election season upon us, LWVUS is offering a series of timely and informative webinars to help League members prepare for our heaviest season of election work.

The series will include the following sessions:

  • Election 2024: Direct Voter Contact| Thursday, Sept. 19, 5pm
  • Election 2024: Preparing for Post-Election| Thursday, Oct. 3, 1pm
  • Election 2024: Bystander Training & Voter Intimidation| Thursday, Oct. 10, 1pm

All League members are invited to attend these webinars live or watch the recordings. Slides and resource links will be made available following each webinar at

Learn to Evaluate Online Sources of Information

Milwaukee Public Libraries is sponsoring reading circles to discuss the strengths and drawbacks of online information sources. The information is based on the book “Verified : How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions About What to Believe Online”  by Mike Caulfield & Sam Wineburg. The sessions will be held at various times and locations in September and October. More information here

Accessing Members-Only Resources on the LWVMC Website

The website contains resources for members-only. Members must be logged in to see this information.
 Contact should you need help logging into the website.

Support Local Democracy. Support Your League.

Your support is critical to help our nonpartisan grassroots organization reach voters play a critical role in democracy. It would not be possible to empower voters and defend democracy without your support. 

Thank you! LWVMC

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Contact Us

(414) 273-8683

League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214
EIN 39-6096750