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HomeLead Issues Roundtables

Lead Issues in Milwaukee Roundtable #2 - October 22, 2019

Testing for Sources of Lead and Preventing Lead Poisoning

Our Goal

The League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County hosted two series of Roundtable Discussions about Lead Issues in Milwaukee. Our goal was to reduce the incidence of lead poisoning in Milwaukee. We hoped to bring community leaders, scientists, practitioners, government experts and policy makers to the table to share their expertise.


The Need

While ALL children in Milwaukee are recommended to be tested at least three times before the age of three (1), only about 65% of Milwaukee’s children between the ages of 12 and 35 months were tested for lead poisoning during 2016. Of the 24,478 children tested, 11.6% or about 2,850 tested at or above the 5 micrograms/deciliter threshold for lead poisoning (2). Our Lead Issues in Milwaukee Discussion Series began by focusing on issues surrounding testing children for lead poisoning. The second Roundtable examined policies policy and practices regarding testing for sources of lead poisoning, abatement, and prevention.


Policy makers, government experts, scientists, community leaders, practitioners, other experts and officials were invited to:


Lead Issues in Milwaukee #2:

Testing for Sources of Lead and Preventing Lead Poisoning

Tuesday, October 22, 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Summit Place – in the first floor Glass Patio Room on the right

6737 W. Washington Street, West Allis, Wisconsin

Free parking was available in the Summit Place lot.

Click here for the agenda of guiding questions.

There was no presentation. Rather, those with relevant expertise were asked to contribute when prompted by the moderator, guiding questions [see Agenda-Lead Issues in MKE Mtg #2.] Participants brought copies of documents they wished to share in response to those questions. No projector was available.

Toward the end of each meeting, burning questions captured items of critical importance and suggestions for actions going forward. Participants may announce upcoming relevant meetings.

This roundtable was a follow-up to our November 17, 2018 Forum on Lead Issues in Milwaukee and to our first roundtable on Testing Children for Lead Poisoning.

For any additional questions, please contact Ann Batiza at

  1. The Wisconsin Blood Lead Screening Recommendations come from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Testing Children for Lead. Retrieved 5.12.19 from:
  2. Childhood Lead Poisoning Dashboard. Retrieved 5.12.19 from:!/vizhome/LeadDashboardDRAFT7-14-17_0/ChildLeadPoisoning

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League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County

6737 W Washington St., Ste. 2218

West Allis , WI 53214